Glacial Golf – Putt-Putt Golf Tournament
This event is a progressive putt-putt golf tournament that takes place at Canton’s local bars, with prizes awarded for Best Score, Best Dressed Team, and Best Team Name. The bars host golfers as they attempt to navigate miniature golf holes designed and constructed by the establishments. Adding to the fun, participants can purchase mulligans, which allow them the chance for a “do-over” of a poor golf shot.
$100 per team or $25 per player (team of four).
Registration will be available at each participating bar or online. See the registration link above.
Participation Information
Check in and day of registration begins at 11 a.m. Tournament begins at Noon. Each team player will receive a giveaway, and each team will receive a score card that will indicate their rotation, and a set of rules. TEAMS MUST FOLLOW THEIR ROTATIONS! Mulligans will be available for purchase during check-in/registration ONLY. They are $5.00 each.
Be at your designated start bar at Noon. There is no designated amount of time to finish a hole, but we do ask that you spend some time (and money!) in each of the bars that have so graciously agreed to participate. If you want to be considered for any of the prizes you must be done golfing by 6:00 p.m. and to the ending bar location as the awards presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m.
Transportation will be provided by Flipside Party Bus!
Team photos will be available at a station set up at one of the bar locations.
We encourage goofy team names and costumes! You could win a prize!
Prizes will be given for:
Best Team Score
Best Team Name
Best Dressed Team
There will be a 50/50 drawling. Tickets sold through out the day. Drawling will happen at the ending location after 6:30 p.m. Must be present to win!
- Your score card will give you the order in which you should travel to each of the participating bars. YOU MUST FOLLOW THIS ORDER TO PREVENT CONGESTION AT THE BARS.
- At each bar you are to present your score card to the “GREENSKEEPERS.” Teams will play each hole in the order they presented their score card to the GREENSKEEPER.
- Each player will play through the hole in turn.
- If you have a team that lacks a person you may ask a person from another team to shoot in that person’s place. In addition, if you have a team of five ONLY FOUR PLAYERS ARE ALLOWED TO PLAY ONE HOLE.
- If a player has not put the ball in the hole after three attempts, they will get an automatic 4 for the hole.
- You can only purchase Mulligans for $5.00 each at check-in/registration. Present your mulligan card to the GREENSKEEPER. When using a mulligan, you do not start the hole over (UNLESS IT IS YOUR TEE OFF SHOT). Play begins from where the shot originated. Traps require a penalty stroke to be removed. You may use a Mulligan to take out of the trap without penalty!
- If your ball ends up unplayable (e.g. stuck in a corner) you may move the ball one club head length to make it playable. If your putt ends up off the green return your ball to the green at the point it exited and play from there. This still counts as a stroke. Again, you may use a mulligan to avoid taking an extra stroke!
- If a bar determines a specific staring point in the box of their hole, players must abide by their decision. The GREENSKEEPER at the hole will let players know if the bar has set any starting point in the box.
- The “GREENSKEEPER” will count the strokes for each player; they will record the score for the team on your scorecard, initial it and return the scorecard to you to take it to the next hole.
- Once a team has completed a hole, they are free to move on to the next bar, however, remember to support all participating bars! If there are a large number of teams waiting to play a hole, teams may be allowed to move on to the next hole, but they must return and play the skipped hole before completing the course.
- In case of a tie at the end of the tournament there will be a putt-off. The teams will choose one person to participate in the putt off.
- At the end of the day return your score cards to the Canton Main Street table set up at the ending bar location.
Canton Main Street uses proceeds from registrations, sponsorships and mulligan sales to support projects in the downtown area. Examples of those projects include, but aren’t limited to, Micro-Grant Program, downtown Wayfinding Signs, downtown Public Parking Signs, and Christmas Decorations for Jones Park. These funds have also support the Farmer’s Market and other downtown events hosted by the organization.
Sat., Feb. 15, 2025
11am – 6pm
Participating Bars
White Oaks Sports Bar (Starting Location)
(Ending Location)
Canton Elks Lodge
Official Time-Out
Billy’s Tap
Old Dog
Moore’s Pub
American Legion
Josie’s Tap
Canton VFW Post 184
For questions about the event:
Call or email: Dana Smith
(309) 647-2677 Ext: 5