
Wastewater Department

The City of Canton’s Wastewater Treatment Plant is located at 350 West Hickory Street. The Wastewater Plants objective is to provide safe and compliant practices that directly relate to water pollution control standards regarding collection, treatment and discharge of the City of Cantons wastewater stream.  

Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:00am – 3:00pm
Phone: (309)647-1391

Public Utility Manager:
Joe Carruthers

Wastewater Treatment Superintendent:
Michael Courtney

Oil Recycling

The City of Canton’s Wastewater Treatment Plant accepts non-commercial, residential used oil for recycling. Canton residents wishing to dispose of used oil may bring their contained oil to the treatment plant and dispose of the oil in the designated tankage provided. First time users are encouraged to check with operating staff, for directions and regulations. Any and all persons entering or visiting the facility must sign in and provide identification.  Containers of oil brought to the facility must not leak and cannot be left at the site. Tanks and signs marked ”RECYCLED OIL” are provided on the site.

This service is provided by the City of Canton at no charge. It is an effort to promote community awareness of the City’s Pollution Prevention Control Plan, and to encourage recycling. Oils and petroleum-based substances should never be disposed of in the sanitary collection system. Storm catch basins throughout the City have been marked, “DO NOT DUMP, DRAINS TO STREAM” in an additional effort to make residents aware of proper disposal methods. For additional information regarding the disposal of other materials, you may call the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Allowable times for disposal are from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm Monday thru Friday. The site will be closed for disposal on Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays. 

Effluent Water

The City of Canton offers plant effluent water for “NON-POTABLE USE“.  The water is provided with assistance from Wastewater Treatment Plant staff after signing a waiver of use form. Plant effluent is a non-chemically treated water, which is permitted for discharging. Uses include the watering of trees and large areas of sod, dust control for roadways, boring machines, street sweepers, and other uses which do not include human consumption or exposure.   

Independent Analytical Testing

The City of Canton`s Wastewater Treatment Plant offers analytical testing for NPDES  requirements. Communities who wish to have their wastewater sample’s tested in Canton can contact the plant superintendent about specific items and pricing.  Monthly invoicing services are available along with monthly reporting.   

Monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports

January 2025 Download

Older DMR Reports may be requested by contacting the Canton Wastewater Superintendent at 309-647-1391.